Interactive Minds is a German company operating internationally in the field of eye tracking. Our core business for the last 12 years has been the development of eye tracking data analysis software and the distribution of complete eye tracking solutions.
With its roots in academic eye movement research, Interactive Minds always worked in close cooperation with universities and research institutions all around the world. Through this collaboration and strong relationships as well as conducting own research in the field of eye tracking we constantly gather deep insights into different areas of scientific applications which in turn greatly impacts the company's work and are able to process and incorporate all the latest findings in its software design and development.
With hundreds of installations of its products worldwide being part of scientific research, and many years of experience in providing custom solutions Interactive Minds has the knowledge to assist in all aspects of eye tracking.
The eye trackers are developed and produced by Interactive Minds' associate company LC Technologies, Inc. in the United States. LC Technologies, Inc. is a leader in providing highly accurate, flexible and open eye tracking technology. In many ways, the award-winning and patented eye tracking hard- and software is unique among eye tracking systems available today. We are working together very closely to ensure the perfect interaction of hardware and software.
Interactive Minds is committed to providing state-of-the-art equipment, software and process solutions for new and existing eye tracking projects worldwide as well as providing leading eye tracking technology in a timely and cost effective manner.
We are committed to provide exceptional customer support and our service team can easily be reached by telephone or email.